Sunday, March 03, 2013

The Statutes of Limitation

The freedom we are sold is a lie
Freedom from what?
Then only true freedom is the time between birth and our first lesson (whatever that may be)

When we say we want freedom, we are lead to believe we are asking for Freedom and Democracy
Freedom we no longer demand

In essence it is not freedom that we require, but solitude.
It is only in solitude that we can truly be free.

When we say we want freedom
It has come to mean we want to do whatever we like
Even if it infringes on the freedom of others

We lose our sense of spatial awareness
Because we are the centre of the universe and nothing else matters

We lose our sense of place
Polite society has its merits
Especially when we see what its absence allows

We lose our sense of self
In the looming shadow of the Cliffs of Want

The freedom we are sold is a lie.


Harnett-Hargrove said...

Ah, this brings up so much.
... true freedom is the time between birth and our first lesson ... that 1st found-out. I keep coming back to George Carlin, "The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it."

Garth said...

Jayne: Yes! Carlin was a marksman with words - unfortunately the american nightmare has colonised much of the world with its hunger for more more more and its advertising slogan "freedom & democracy" is perhaps the biggest lie ever told.


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