Imagine a world where certain words were so powerful as to condemn a man to eternal torture.
Imagine a world where religious ideology was enforced without morality.
Imagine a world where the many were dictated to by the few, where you dare not see that the emperor was naked.
Imagine a world capable of, but unwilling to feed all of its inhabitants.
Imagine a world where contentment could only be attainable through the pursuit of wealth.
Imagine a world where success and status could only be measured by wealth.
Imagine a world where it’s okay to steal from the poor and give to the rich.
Imagine a world where you could be thankful for being able to work three jobs to feed your children.
Imagine a world where we fed our children ignorance.
Imagine a world where our children became killers and we applauded them for it.
Imagine a world where to speak plainly was to be misunderstood.
Imagine a world where words could be twisted to become something other of their original meaning.
Imagine a world where people thought exactly what they were taught to think.
Imagine a world where you were either wrong or right; good or bad; liberal or conservative.
Imagine a world where 95% of the land was owned by 5% of the people.
Imagine a world where nobody ever had to admit responsibility for their actions.
Imagine a world where nobody ever had to apologise.
Imagine a world where justice was dealt according to socio-economic class.
Imagine a world where you couldn't believe what your mama told you.
why imagine we are heading that way at a fast clip sad but scary true. Be safe walk in peace allways
And I don´t want to imagine that is our world, but it is. If only we could imagine a new one into existence.
i keep trying hard as i can peace respect and true healing in a healthy world
i know it cant be a i try it have to be a we try me to we in a mirror can we all fallow a dreamer in ourselfs ?????
Set to music, this could easily be the modern day sequel to John Lennon's song, "Imagine". Although his version was a tad too "Communist Manifesto" for my taste. Yours is a bit more original thought.
Perhaps Lennon was a little naive to believe that a peaceful world without borders and religion was possible if we just made the effort. (Hardly communism)
Perhaps I'm a little cynical to believe that this is only possible within the imagination.
I referenced Communism mainly because they desire everybody unfortunate enough to reside in their grasp, to forsake religion and deity entirely and depend on the government for everything. They, in essence enjoy a malleable, subservient people. Easy populace control. I'm not keen on a World devoid of religion or borders, for that matter.
Man is its own natural enemy thus precluding us from enjoying a state of Heaven on Earth.
On a sidenote, I listened to a very interesting talk radio guest named Jed Babin, discussing his latest book about China/U.S. relations, entitled, "Showdown". He seems to believe that the propogation of Christianity is a glimmering hope in one day toppling their tyrannical Communist regime. This wasn't a Holy Roller, mind you, just a former military guy making some scintillating observations.
Population control is the ultimate aim of all unscrupulous power bases, religion, no matter how well intentioned, or what name it goes by, is easily hijacked in that aim, having at it’s base an already controlled group of people. The emergence of Christianity in China may signal for many in the west a glimmer of hope. It also goes to show how afraid the western establishments are of China. As long as China ran a hard-line Maoist-communist system, the US could be comfortable in the knowledge that their own brand of militaro-capitalism would succeed.
Now China is embracing capitalism (albeit without heed to the cries of ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’ coming from many quarters in the west) and in so doing will without doubt become the new empire and in the process aiding the US empire’s decline. It matters not whether Christianity is in place, the system will incorporate and use it. It’s how capitalism works – cheap labour – huge market – and the religions are merely tools, aiding and abetting in the exploitation of the people trapped within them. (You and I included) The military is merely the tool of that enforcement.
If Christianity had any power for the good, Iraq would not be happening.
But what do I know? I’ll say this elastic, you sure make me work hard to back up my random thoughts.
Incidentally, ‘Imagine’ is a wishy-washy song in my opinion; I think Lennon did a far better job with ‘Working Class Hero’
I'm just delighted to receive feedback from you at all, Pisces. I assumed that I was now relegated to persona non grata status with you.
The book I referenced, "Showdown", does discuss China's newly found empirical power on an International level, and their calculated plans for the demise of the U.S., which mainly includes using our own greed against us. China has long been buying up American home mortgages at an alarming rate. What will happen the day everything crashes and China comes to cash in on their investments? Scary. Not to mention the diversion of natural resources going to support their growing affluence and the imbalance on our own export/import money.
Anyway, as for John Lennon, I think Imagine is the most wretched followed by his song that goes, "So, this is Christmas and what have YOU done?" Pisces, honestly, would you really want to live in a World without fences, borders, etc? Not all people are created equally and as you well know, evil walks among the good. Don't you want a barrier or screening process to keep the flagrantly wicked predators away? Would you want to toil day after day to feed your family and see funds diverted to support those who refuse to work because you live in an "equal" society. Those ideas breed failure because man will not work to further himself without initiative and motivation. Personally, I believe in charity, but not government forced coercion to fund their own "charitable giving". That is socialism, borderline Communism.
I distrust any publication that promotes fear. Fear is another strong control mechanism.
The borderless world is an anarchist utopia; a dream world where every person is their own government guided by the principle that everything is permitted so long as it does not conflict with the common good.
We're too far gone for that I think.
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