Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Pinups #4

Then I ran across a monster who was sleeping by a tree
and I looked, and frowned, and the monster was me


jams o donnell said...

Width of a Circle... Still one of his best ever songs in my view

Garth said...

..and one of the deepest. Bowie worrying about madness while name-dropping his reading matter: he laughed insane and quipped "Khalil Gibran"

phaseoutgirl said...


Found you through Karoline's blogsite... I like your site! Very interesting mix of stuff!


karoline in the morning said...

So I said "So long" and I waved "Bye-bye"
And I smashed my soul and traded my mind


Garth said...

Hi phaseoutgirl - welcome to The Far Queue - take a number and get in line :]
karoline - I tried to trade my mind but all they offered me was a gun and a bible.

karoline in the morning said...

i'll see yer bible and a gun and raise you one pulpit and a personalized epitaph..?



meekon5 said...

I'm sorry but Bowie has haunted my etire life. So I sohould not have been surprised to find you rfer to him here. I'm in the process of transfering my music collection to MP3. i now have to go off and dig out my bowie stuff because I haven't got to him yet 9damn you sir more bloody work).

meekon5 said...


Garth said...

Welcome back Pope Simon - Everyone says Hi


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