Friday, June 21, 2019

'38 Rue Utopia ~ Ep.64

I was slowly dying in a clinic just outside of L.A.
You came and saw me that picked me up straight away.
~ The Go-Betweens ‘Spirit of a Vampyre’ 1987

The Hunger

“And bury me with my love
in a plastic coffin clustered
from the raft of the deep blue sea”
The Carny’s murmur doesn’t break to acknowledge the final line of Peye’s performance.
“Well thank you, you’ve been a wonderful audience” she concludes and steps down from the stage.
Wades through the throng that awaits the DJ’s set, to her perch on the end of the bar.
“That was a nice one Peye,” says the bartender “Pearls before swine sister,” they touch thumbs in agreement.
“Thanks Ruby” says Peye, accepting the glass placed before her before scanning the crowd for fuck-knows-who.
Everything’s just a little more jaw-clench electric than usual, Peye doesn’t think it, out loud or otherwise, but she is waiting for the shockwave that Ellie invariably causes, the outward waves generated by a brick dropped in a pond can only cause a lot of rough water.
The music kicks in, bass resonating through the legs of the now dancing crowd, reaching for the gut while the groove grabs the shoulders to downward twist toward the hips and the lighting in coloured harmony with the narcotic-tranced crowd.
Peye downs her drink and heads downstairs.

The Go-Betweens
Spirit of a Vampyre

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