Friday, June 28, 2019

'38 Rue Utopia ~ Ep.65

This old world will never change the way it's been
And all our ways of war can't change it back again
~ Tim Buckley ‘Dolphins’ 1973

Voting Queue ~ Sean Camilleri

The Carny’s queue stretches far down the block, Daniel can’t believe they’re still selling the illusion.
Bigmark hangs onto the past in a tenuous contract of ‘supply the right drug and everyone will conform’. Truth of the matter is that the conformity practiced is a chocolate coating that’s likely to, and often does, melt into violence at the drop of the wrong-word-for-hat.
Daniel’s regret is that they had been unable to control and aim that violence in the right direction. The simple truth is that so few retain the capacity for hope that when triggered, the violence gravitates toward nihilism and self-abuse.
The ’38 uprising had crested with the torching of a few middlemen before collapsing into general rioting under the onslaught of the Kulturati’s angry militia, who had and presumably still have, no problem with spilling blood; and who are more that equipped with the most effective hardware and emotional emptiness to carry out the task.
So here we are, 10 years later, back to conforming to the image chosen from the motley offering presented by the Kulturati Klothing Kiosk, queuing to get into the Carny; still the only show in town.

Tim Buckley

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