Autumn Cannibalism ~ Salvador Dali
The streetlights string their lines between the moon and sometime soon
Headlights cut a vanishing point into the night’s cocoon
His hands command direction home his heart no more to roam
Fingers run his tangled hair no substitute for comb
She awaits him yet on kitchen chair with hope laced in her hair
Watches headlights cross the wall with gaze now turned to stare
Her hands command her heart be still to hear his car approach
And fingers tap an ancient code and, tingling, long to touch
Very beautiful :-)
This one's title and first two lines set me up for an epic poem, to have it end in only eight was a surprisingly delightful disappointment
Thank you CherryPie
Yodood: sorry, this one didn't have anything more to say - I didn't intend the title to be ironic :)
You are right about it's being complete — thus the delight in the disappointment.
Pisces, short and sweet but so much more than that. Interesting Dali choice to go along with this.
Yodood: delight in disappointment... there's gotta be a use for that ;]
Subtorp: I first saw Dali's Autumn Cannibalism when I was a teenager and found it both fascinating and frightening... come to think of it, I still feel that way.
Pisces,I'd love to see his house.
It has been made into a museum...
yeah, some of those paintings are immense!
I thought the title added a lot of -- anticipation.
Dali - the new reality.
Chip: or in the words of Frankenfurter: antici.........pation!
James: the new surreality?
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