Wednesday, June 05, 2019

We the Fallen

It seems pretty obvious to me that we who history has put on the side of the empires that colonised the world not so long ago; we who still believe in the history taught us by those empires; it seems to me that we fear immigration as if it were a form of revenge.
We project our own historic behaviour on the immigrant because we see the immigrant as a coloniser; and everybody should know by now how badly the coloniser behaved toward the colonised; should know that the belief that the empires were civilising the savage is a comb-over for those bald acts of brutality.
And now the savage has come to the heartland, taken our jobs and seduced our women.
Funny how the immigrant savages are still the ones doing the most work for the least pay.
Funny how we who fear immigration mourn the loss of empire but never ask ourselves ‘where is the empire now?’ for fear we should receive the reply that the empire is no longer about the occupation of any particular land but of all land by means of consumerism. The empire resides now in the houses of money and war. It answers to no laws. The empire has gained control of the biggest and most dangerous military force; gained control of all media but thought; gained control of our lives; and they’re working on our thoughts; they are colonising all of us, intellectually and morally.
Now we must bow to the exploitation of our labours no matter which borders we draw around ourselves like a threadbare blanket on a cold night for the homeless.

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